Java destekli telefonlar için Mobile 3D Testleri:

JBenchmark3D: Quality and Performance benchmark for hardware accelerated Mobile 3D

4 adet performans, 4 adet kalite testi yapmaktadır.

Performans Testleri:

1. Smooth shaded triangle throughput

2. Textured triangle throughput

3. Multi-textured fill rate

4. High level gaming test

Kalite Testleri:

1. Bilinear filter

2. Trilinear filter

3. Perspective correction

4. Z-buffer depth


JBenchmark3D for Mobile 3D Graphics (M3G or JSR 184)

4 ayrı test bulunmaktadır. J2ME destekli telefonlar için.

1. Triangle throughput

2. Texturing performance

3. Low Quality Gaming Scene for low capacity software based 3D engines

4. High Quality Gaming Scene for hardware 3D accelerated, top peformance devices


JBenchmark 2. 0 for MIDP 2. 0

MIDP 2. 0 telefonlar için.

1. Image manipulation

2. Text reading

3. Game scene (Sprites)

4. 3D transformations with shading

5. User interface


Ayrıntılı bilgi için: http://www. jbenchmark. com/tools. jsp

Not: Olabilecek hatalar ve sorunlardan dolayı Bilgiustam. com hiçbir şekilde sorumlu değildir.


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